Jano Suchal, Developer in Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia
Jano is available for hire
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Jano Suchal

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Bratislava, Bratislava Region, Slovakia
Toptal Member Since
March 24, 2014

Jano是一名全栈开发人员,也是数据库领域的创始人. Using PostgreSQL, he has worked on database services with government data, recommendation engines, 和性能优化项目,有创业经验, consulting, and leading small teams. Jano拥有布拉迪斯拉发斯洛伐克科技大学软件工程硕士学位(以优异成绩).


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jira, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails (RoR)...
minio, s.r.o.
JavaScript, Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)
SearchD/Luigi's Box
SaltStack, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails (RoR)




Preferred Environment

Linux, PostgreSQL, Ruby, Agile Software Development

The most amazing...

...things I've built are apps using public data in Slovakia, 使合同和公共登记册更容易为记者和公众使用.

Work Experience

Lead Developer and Project Manager

2015 - PRESENT
  • 领导一个由开发人员和自由职业者组成的小团队,构建并行的低成本电子政务服务.
  • 创建了一个平台,用于下载/清理包含数百万个条目和千兆字节数据的公共开放数据集.
  • Built a fast autocomplete search based on Elasticsearch.
  • 使用基于docker的部署管理多个服务器,为登台/生产环境提供服务.
  • 支持商业所需的各种工具(Trello, Jira,电子邮件服务器,计费,AWS).
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Jira、PostgreSQL、Elasticsearch、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Redis


2011 - PRESENT
minio, s.r.o.
  • 创建了一个收集各种公共政府登记和数据库的平台.
  • Built a platform for automatic data disambiguation, cleaning, and reconciliation of multiple messy public datasets.
  • Managed traffic/performance analytics for several projects.
  • 建立了一个平台,让斯洛伐克的任何人都能透明地获得政府合同.
  • Managed a search engine with 600,000+ documents (TBs of raw data).
  • 自2011年以来,每月在布拉迪斯拉发组织一次多语言开发者见面会.
  • 在欧洲社会基金项目提案中创建了欺诈检测系统.
技术:JavaScript, Redis, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Senior Developer

2013 - 2015
SearchD/Luigi's Box
  • 创建了一个可扩展的日志处理管道,分析数百万个事件.
  • 为测试和评估现实世界的搜索引擎设计了先进的指标和报告.
  • 贡献了完整的堆栈—从业务目标到前端调优,再到后端开发和调优.
  • 通过在构建服务器上执行自动测试来确保高代码质量, code coverage trend reporting, and code reviews.
  • 提出并成功实现了业务流程变更,以优化注册和入职渠道, yielding an increase in goal conversions.
技术:SaltStack, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Senior Back-end Developer

2011 - 2013
  • Created a recommendation engine for movies and television shows.
  • 为推荐引擎和搜索相关子项目搭建了日志记录和质量评价平台.
  • Proposed and measured several UX enhancements on user-facing pages.
  • 创建了一个抓取服务,从各种在线资源中抓取数据.
  • 实现了各种重复匹配算法,用于清理和消除数据歧义.
技术:PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


2010 - 2012
  • Created and sold a project to download, clean, and update data about over 300,000 companies and 500,000 people from the official registers of Slovak companies, public procurement, debts, internet domains, and other public data.
  • Supported a complex site handling over 500,000 page views a month.
  • 创建了一个框架,用于抓取、清理和合并杂乱的数据集.
  • 根据收集的数据构建各种可视化和聚合报告.
  • 微调自动完成搜索高度相关的即时响应.
Technologies: Sphinx Search Engine, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Researcher | PhD Student

2008 - 2011
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies
  • 为斯洛伐克最大的报纸建立了一个新闻推荐引擎,最高转速为3000 + rpm.
  • Created and led a new course on full-stack web development.
  • 发表了多篇关于推荐系统和数据挖掘的文章.
  • Led multiple teams of students on various projects.
  • Built and supported various faculty websites and apps.
Technologies: SQL, R, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby


2001 - 2011
  • Built a "did you mean?" search feature for a major music website in Slovakia.
  • Built and maintained web applications for various SMEs.
  • Consulted several clients regarding SQL performance fine-tuning.
  • Created a popular random text generator for designers.
  • 为电子商务领域的各种客户处理基本的HTML/CSS工作.
技术:PostgreSQL, MySQL, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), PHP


Movie and TV show recommendation system and social site.

Open Contracts

一个搜索和分析政府合同的众包平台. 与官方政府网站相比,它提供了一个更有用的界面来处理斯洛伐克政府组织的合同. 它从许多来源下载和处理各种格式的超过300k个扫描文档(超过1TB的原始数据),并使用全文和高级分面搜索将它们转换为易于搜索的格式. 系统会自动分析合同,并给出一个分数,表明合同的问题程度. 此分析基于门户管理员管理的规则.

Social Network of Slovak Companies

This site downloads, cleans, 并从斯洛伐克公司的官方注册中更新了30多万家公司和50万人的数据, public procurements, debts, internet domains, and other public data. 它以汇总和可用的形式显示有关公司的所有当前和历史数据. 它将人和公司的联系可视化为网络(图表),以获得更深入的见解. 它被公共和私营部门大量使用,每月处理超过50万的页面浏览量.

API for All Slovak Government Data

An API for retrieving cleaned, reconciled, and merged data scraped from various public datasets and registers.

SearchD/Luigis's Box


Fraud Detection in European Social Fund Project Proposals

它抓取遗留的内部项目管理系统并收集有关项目的数据. 它的特点是丰富了来自其他外部来源的数据:斯洛伐克公司登记, register of NGOs, and the statistical office of the Slovak Republic. It involves extensive data cleaning, reverse duplication routines, and heuristics to match and distinguish subjects.



通过向Google Analytics传递请求分析和定时数据来提高Rails应用程序性能的Google Analytics宝石. 此外,允许性能分析在谷歌分析和发现瓶颈.


Ruby, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, R, CoffeeScript, HTML5


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sinatra


Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Dependency Injection


Salesforce, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker


Elasticsearch, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sphinx Search Engine




RSpec, SaltStack, Jira, Git, GitHub, RubyMine


Twitter API, Facebook API, jQuery, GitHub API, Sidekiq

2007 - 2011

PhD (Unfinished) Degree in Machine learning

Slovak University of Technology - Bratislava

2005 - 2007

Master's (Summa Cum Laude) Degree in Software Engineering

Slovak University of Technology - Bratislava

2001 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in Informatics

Slovak University of Technology - Bratislava